Membership Drive

Did you know that we are the 13th-largest association in the Nation?

Help us grow to be one of the top ten this month! April is our membership drive and we are excited to offer some pretty sweet deals. This month, when you join as a Builder (licensed GC) or Associate (all other industries) member you won’t pay the application fee, and we will sweeten the deal by adding a free affiliate member. That’s right – 2 members for the price of one! The official drive runs from April 15 – April 29. Join during that time and save $145.


Members, help grow our membership and you can win big!

Each member recruited will earn you points. Two points for a new builder or associate member, and one point for a new affiliate member. The more points you have the more likely you are to win. Each point you get will earn you one ticket in a raffle. Those raffle prizes will include two tickets to our Awards Gala, an ad in the directory, and more!

We have two methods for rewarding our recruiters during this drive. The Raffle and a tiered cash prize for the top 4 recruiters. $150 cash for first place, $100 for 2nd, $50 for 3rd, and $25 for 4th place.

Have some folks you think would benefit from membership? Now is the time! We will host a New Membership Info Session/Celebration on April 17th and hope to see you there. If you cannot make it, don’t worry, the following week we will celebrate at Carpet One’s After Hours.

Thank you for your continued support & membership – we couldn’t do it without you.

Please contact Jude with any questions at [email protected]