NCHBA Region 8 Meeting Recap

On January 31st, senior leadership at the North Carolina Home Builders Association (NCHBA) hosted the annual regional meeting in Region 8. Members attended these meetings to learn more about membership benefits, what the association does for workforce development, opportunities for professional development, and NCHBA’s health insurance program.

There was a great turnout from our organization and others in our region, especially to learn about the new insurance program. The NCHBA Group Insurance Trust will be supplied through Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) and will include fully insured medical Dental, Vision, Death & Dismemberment, Group Life, and Disability. By pooling together our members the goal is to offer a lower price. See the flyers here.

Conversation points included:

  • There are specific job codes that may qualify for insurance
  • You must have 2 or more employees
  • There will be options for different plans
  • You have to be a member of the association to qualify (similar to Builders Mutual) 

If you haven’t already filled out the census, please do so here. There is a four-step process to submit the census data for your company:

1) Download this spreadsheet
2) fill out the brief six questions in columns B through G about the employees of your firm 
3) save it to your computer
4) upload the file at this link

Filling out the census and submitting it does not obligate your company in any way. It is a HUGE help in determining the best rates for membership. More opportunities come with more data. So please take a minute to fill the census out.

While the insurance rates and more information are still coming from the State based on the survey, our region members had some great questions you can see below. Please keep an eye out for more information as we learn more about this wonderful new benefit to membership. If you have any questions about this new insurance program please email Tim Minton at tminton .