Support Our Nonprofits as They Make a Difference

We’ve been working with BeLoved Asheville over the past week, delivering food, water and other necessities to people who have no way to get to area pickup stations.

Some of those in need have no road access from their homes; others lost vehicles in the storm or have no gas.

Among BeLoved Asheville’s recent stops were to a nursing home with no power or water, and to an apartment complex where BeLoved Asheville was the first group to bring aid. The work has involved trips to cities like Greenville to get supplies, and in many cases making deliveries by foot to areas where roads have been washed out.

The Builders Association of the Blue Ridge Mountains stands with our nonprofit colleagues like BeLoved Asheville as we work together to help those in need around Western North Carolina. 

BABRM has suspended our normal day-to-day operations for now – which included indefinitely postponing our Parade of Homes event – to focus on doing what we can to help relief efforts.

How can you help? Donate to groups like BeLoved Asheville, which in turn will pay for supplies for those who need it most. And consider volunteering with one of the many nonprofits making a difference right now. (Click here for an episode of Al Jazeera’s podcast, The Take, about the situation in Asheville that includes BABRM’s Megan Carroll talking about BeLoved Asheville’s efforts.)

We are confident that our community will come back – and it’s inspiring to see neighbors helping neighbors. Our Western North Carolina spirit is on full display, and we at BABRM have never been more proud of our hometowns.