And so it begins…2013!

The Asheville HBA is looking forward to an exciting year with enhanced Member Events, growing Consumer Events and lots of education!  The AHBA will be working harder than ever to make sure you as members have the tools you need to excel in your daily world and we hope you follow our blog to stay up to speed!

Starting off the year you should know about these things:

1.    Housing Avoids the Fiscal Cliff – For Now!

Congress and the President agreed to a fiscal deal at the beginning of the New Year, which is fairly positive for housing and home builders. The new law permanently extends the income tax rates paid by those with less than $450,000 in adjusted gross income (AGI) ($400,000 if single), including the rates paid for capital gains and dividend income. This is a positive development for home builders, 80% of whom are organized as pass-through entities and who pay business income taxes on individual income tax forms.  Read more about the fiscal deal here and how it affects you!

2.    City of Asheville Projects – what’s going on in your neighborhood!

I attended a meeting today of the Young Professionals in Asheville where the speaker was Asheville City Mayor Terry Bellamy.  The meeting covered topics like the Water & Sewage Projects currently being discussed as well as regular land use policy and much more.  The information was very pertinent to what is currently going on in our area and we were all encouraged to stay in the loop by visiting the City of Asheville Website.  So if you’re interested in some reading for the New Year – take a look, you might be surprised at some of the talk going on currently and how this could affect the future of Asheville.

3.    Permits and Housing – Good News

The AHBA is excited to host Dale Akins of the Market Edge at our January 17th Annual Meeting.  Come out for a great night of networking and hear a presentation by Dale on our current housing market and where it’s headed.  You won’t want to miss the facts, figures and trends for the year.  Click here to RSVP – members are free to attend and non-members are $10.

With a big year ahead I encourage all of you to look for the positive and make the most of what lies ahead!  As Mary Poppins once said, “In every job that must be done there is an element of fun!”  So let the fun begin!

Cheers to 2013,


Caroline Sutton

Blog written by Caroline Sutton, Executive Officer of the Asheville Home Builders Association

[email protected], 828-299-7001


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