Asheville HBA Visits Erwin High School

Local High School Students received a quick lesson on Careers in Construction as members of the Asheville HBA Staff along with Builders Mutual toured the carpentry department of Erwin High School this week.

Builders Mutual Insurance graciously donated funds to the local school’s CTE Program after tools were stolen several weeks ago. These funds will help to replace the tools Erwin needs to be able to complete their Playhouse in time for the Playhouse Showdown. The Buncombe County Schools, Erwin High School, and the Asheville HBA are greatly appreciative of groups like Builders Mutual who are working to build up the next generation of Building Professionals. These students are still in need of several tools that have not yet be replaced. Please contact Christi Stokes for a list of needed tools and how you can help


About the Playhouse Showdown

The Asheville Home Builders Association is proud to facilitate and host the 6th annual Playhouse Showdown for the Buncombe County Career & Technical Education Courses for 2018. Five Buncombe County High Schools design and build playhouses to be raffled on location at this years Build & Remodel Expo. AHBA Member companies generously donated all materials to the High Schools for the opportunity to create a playhouse that directly benefitted their school. Each school will receive $2 from each raffle ticket sold to utilize within their local construction classrooms. Remaining proceeds will go directly back to the schools in the form of scholarships for their local CTE programs. Raffle Tickets were $5 and included one admission into the Build & Remodel Expo held at the WNC Ag Centers Davis Arena in February.

Together, the Buncombe County High Schools raised over $16,400 for their respective Career & Technical Education Courses since the start of the Playhouse Showdown in 2013.

Learn more about the Playhouse Showdown or purchase a raffle ticket to support the program by clicking here

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