Becky Den Ouden – Alcova Mortgage – Associate Member
Jasper Haugaard – Ambiente Modern Furniture – Associate Member
Jeri Orling – Orling Interiors – Affiliate Member (recommended by Eli Orling of Orling Interiors)
Maximize Your Membership: The Tools You Need to Succeed
Interested in learning more on how to make the absolute most of your membership? Forgot about some of the member benefits that could be saving you money and could use a refresher? You’ve been thinking about joining as a member, but still aren’t sure? Attend the next Maximize Your Membership Info Session and learn everything you need to know and can take advantage of as an AHBA Member. The next info session will be held Tuesday, August 13 at the AHBA office from 3:30-4:30pm. Click here to RSVP
Congratulations! Shannon Paris has been chosen as an honoree for the Biltmore Beacon 40 Under Forty Class of 2019. She was chosen based on information provided by 1 or more co-workers, friends and/or family members. The 40 under Forty event seeks to honor rising stars who are doing great things in the businesses and communities that they live and work in, all under the age of 40.
Finally, a special shout out to Donna King, Chair of the 2019 Parade of Homes Committee and the entire Parade Committee – This year’s Parade is shaping up to be the best yet!