Heading downtown to enjoy a wonderful spring evening, members attended the AHBA After Hours event held at Build It Naturally, Inc. on May 16th.
Over 60 members enjoyed the Build It Naturally Showroom and the ability to view the green products that they supply to the Asheville Area. The great weather encouraged networking inside and out with Build it Naturally’s ability to open a part of their showroom to the outside.
As May is Spring Recruiting Month for the Asheville Home Builders, several new and prospect members were able to attend and learn about the Asheville Home Builders and we benefit the local building industry.
There were a lot of big winners of the door prize drawings winning everything from wine baskets and massages to custom dog bowls. A special thanks to Jennifer, Mike, and all the great staff at Build it Naturally for holding a great event!
Mark your Calendars for the next AHBA After Hours event to be held on June 20th at 84 Lumber.
Want to see more photos? Visit the Asheville HBA Facebook page for more about the Build It Naturally Event.