First Ever Casino Night!

Thanks to everyone who joined us for our FIRST EVER Casino Night event! Carpet One Floor & Home hosted this Miami Nights themed event Wednesday June 22nd at The Event Space at Hi-Wire Brewing. We had a great turnout, of around 150 folks who gambled the night away.

We’d like to thank the sponsors who made the event possible: Carpet One Floor & Home was also the Bar and BlackJack Sponsor,  Bear’s Smokehouse BBQ was the food and Poker Sponsor, Shaw Floors was the Roulette Sponsor, DreamWeaver Engineered Floors was the Craps Sponsor, LP Building Solutions was the Bar Sponsor, and Fishman Flooring Solutions was the Photo Sponsor. Photos were taken by HEATHER BURDITT PHOTOGRAPHY.

When checking in attendees received $15,000 in chips to gamble the night away. At the end of the night they received one ticket for every $1,000 they had left. Then they could put their tickets in buckets to win prizes such as a Bottle of Bourbon from Park National Bank, Gift Cards, A Fan from Ferguson Enterprises, Inc., Asheville Tourist Swag, and the Big Gift Hellbender Paddleboards! We also had a best dressed competition that was too close to call, and resulted in 2 groups of winners.

Everyone had a great night playing cards, rolling the dice, and gambling it all away. We hope to see everyone out at our next event!

You can see more photos from a fun night at our Facebook Page:

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