Tariffs on imported Canadian softwood lumber are raising production costs and harming home buyers. With prices above $500 per thousand board feet, we need a solution to protect the home building industry and consumers.
Your voice can make the difference. Take immediate action and ask President Trump to return to the negotiating table with Canada to find a solution to these harmful tariffs.
Visit https://www.whitehouse.gov/
“Mr. President,
With a tariff on Canadian lumber in place, lumber prices have skyrocketed. Nationwide an average load of lumber cost 60% more than when you took office; and that hurts my small business. I respectfully request that you return to the negotiating table with Canada and redouble your efforts to reach a new softwood lumber agreement. It is our hope that in negotiating a new agreement with Canada, you will push for measures that take into account not only the impact of price fluctuations on the domestic lumber industry, but also on those secondary industries and consumers that rely on softwood lumber for their economic well-being.
Thank you for considering my views,”
Your members of Congress will also be able to help. Please visit http://www.capitolconnect.com/
You can also share your message to President Trump on Twitter. Be sure to tag President Trump @realDonaldTrump and NAHB @NAHBhome, and include#TariffsHarmHousing.