North Carolina Building Awards

Each year, the North Carolina Home Builders Association awards the best of the best in North Carolina for a multitude of building related categories. From Best Home Design to Best Website and PR Effort, all facets of the building industry involved in the Home Builders Association can be recognized for their excellence in the industry.

In October of 2013, Companies within the AHBA participated in the Promoting Advertising & Construction Excellence (P.A.C.E.) Awards. For the winners of the AHBA’s program, they will be automatically entered into the state level awards, STARS, which will be awarded in September of 2014 at the 21st Century Building Expo.

A call for entries for any company that wishes to participate in the STARS Awards is now available at the 21st Century Building Expo’s Website. Be sure to check out all of the great entry opportunities, and to register your company for this awards program by July 15th.

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