Parade of Homes Preview Recap

The Asheville Home Builders Association jump started the Parade of Homes season last Thursday night at Wild Wings. Over 100 Builder and Associate members were in attendance, where they learned about the new and exciting additions to the 2013 Parade of Homes.

Parade of Homes Preview

Set for October 12 – 13, 19 – 20, the Asheville Parade of Home is a self guided tour of homes open to the public. These homes highlight the craftsmanship of dozens of Asheville’s Builders. While the homes are only open for public tour the first and second weekends in October, consumers can continue to learn about a builder and the homes through the Parade of Homes publication which is printed in September each year.

The Parade of Homes Kick-off was a great way for Builders and Associates to build connections that will mutually benefit each group as we head into the Parade season.

Progress Energy

A special thanks to Progress Energy for sponsoring this event!

*Builders who attend one Parade Information Session and the Parade of Homes Kick-off Event on February 21 will be eligible for a discount for the 2013 Parade of Homes – either $200 off of one home entry or $100 off a special project entry.


Interested in seeing more photos for the Parade of Homes Kick Off? Visit the AHBA Facebook Page for all of the photos.


Do not miss the AHBA After Hours Event to be held at Horizon Tile & Stone on March 21st!

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