The AHBA Annual Meeting Recap

Over 120 guests attended the AHBA’s Annual Meeting last Tuesday night, filled with great networking and educational information despite the dropping temperature outside.

AHBA Annual Meeting

The AHBA jump started 2013 with our Annual Meeting at the Doubletree of Biltmore Village last Tuesday night. Over 120 guests braved the cold and learned about what the Asheville HBA has scheduled for the year, and the great opportunities available to our wonderful members.

With 2013 comes a new line-up of Foundation Club Members and Board
of Directors. The fifteen new board members were inducted into the
service. Also announced was the full list of over 30 Foundation Club sponsors who show their support of the AHBA and gain recognition thoughout the year.

Steve Wallin of Custom Homes of Asheville

Thomas McClain of Home Sweet Home Land Management, the new Region X Vice President swore in Steve Wallin of Custom Homes of Asheville as the 2013 AHBA President, and thanked James Bound of Greencraft, Inc. for his service as the 2012 President.

Dale Akins of The Market Edge

Dale Akins of The Market Edge gave a very encouraging presentation on the housing market for the Asheville Metro area, and how building permits for the area are on the rise.

We look forward to seeing all of our members at the Parade of Home Kick Off at Wild Wings on February 21st. Please take a moment and watch this quick video about the benefits are participating in the Parade of Homes.

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